Sonomatic Supports ExxonMobil Guyana in Achieving the First Robotic Flex Joint Inspection in Guyana In collaboration with ExxonMobil Guyana, we successfully completed the first-ever robotic Flex Joint inspection in Guyana.
FLEXIBLE RISERS INSPECTION WITH MEC™ Inspection of two offloading flexible risers from topside to the Touch Down Point (TDP), using the MEC™-Hug scanning tool.
Raw Water Tank 8m – SONAR Online An 18 metre Diameter Raw WATER Tank was required to have an Online Robotic Tank Floor Inspection conducted to extend the endorsement as the tank was due major overhaul but could not be removed from service due to operational ullage requirement.
Fire Water Tank 8m – SONAR Online An 8 metre Diameter Fire WATER Tank was required to have a robotic Tank Floor Inspection conducted to extend the endorsement as the tank was due major overhaul but could not be removed from service due to operational ullage requirement.
COS Tank 260 Feet – SONAR Online An 80 metre Diameter Crude Oil Storage (COS) Tank was required to have an Online robotic Tank Floor Inspection conducted to extend the endorsement as the tank was due major overhaul but could not be removed from service due to operational ullage requirement.
COS Tank 256 Feet – SONAR Online A 78 metre Diameter COS Tank was required to have a robotic Tank Floor Inspection conducted to extend the endorsement as the tank was due major overhaul but could not be removed from service due to operational ullage requirement.
PIPING INSPECTION USING MEC™ Within a client’s refinery, they were experiencing small and isolated MIC (Microbiological Induced Corrosion) pipe failures, leading to random losses in their product containment. These pipe defects were occurring internally and mainly within an identified 6“OD x 7.15mm wall thickness.
COMPLETION OF RISER SPOOL PIPELINE INSPECTION Sonomatic conducted a pipeline inspection in the North Sea, building on work from 2010, which was limited to point thickness readings due to restricted access using diver-operated equipment. In 2024, they developed a modified Stingray scanner for ROV deployment to enable more comprehensive inspections.
i-COT – Successful mapping condition of FPSO crude oil/water ballast shared boundaries A combined effort of Sonomatic and Geo Oceans, with the backing of a client, trialled the newly developed i-COT tool fitted with a Sonomatic multiplexer to take ultrasonic measurements on the shared boundary wall of selected water ballast and crude oil tanks.
RTM J-TUBE INSPECTION ADVANCED NDT Sonomatic and sister company Geo Oceans planned and executed a complex Mini-ROV advanced NDT scope on riser turret mooring J-tubes.
Robotic Tank Inspection In just 30 days, Sonomatic performed a robotic tank inspection on 5 tanks that were in full operation. Read on to learn more.
Offshore Conductor Inspection using Innospection MEC™ Technique A GCC based client in the Middle East required an inspection of their conductors from under the Christmas tree configuration, down through the splash zone area, and beyond if required.
Automated ultrasonic inspection of subsea jumpers with 2″ GSPU coating Sonomatic was asked to perform an inspection to validate the condition of subsea jumpers, using externally applied tools. Read on.
Corrosion Mapping Inspection of Large Subsea Oil Storage Tank A corrosion risk assessment on the large subsea oil storage tank by the client and Sonomatic identified key areas on the tank outer walls for inspection.
Gooseneck Bend Inspection A client required an 360° ROV corrosion inspection along the full length of multiple steel Gooseneck bends and elbows at depths of up to 1400m. Read on.
Under Tank Corrosion Mapping Scanner Success Story Sonomatic was asked by its client to provide an inspection solution for the underside of a square tank, using corrosion mapping. Read on to learn more.
Pipeline Integrity Assessment A Fitness For Service (FFS) and detailed analysis of a Subsea export pipeline took place following an inspection via advanced automated ultrasonic inspection.
HTHA Assessment on Three Of Texas Towers In Oct 2020, Sonomatic – in combination with RAIS support – were asked to conduct an HTHA assessment on three Texas Towers for a client. Read on.
Fast Turn Around on Large Vessels to Remove From Shutdown Sonomatic was requested to carry out an urgent NII campaign on two large vessels with known corrosion. Read on to learn more about this case study.
Subsea Flowline Scanning Success Story Geo Oceans and Sonomatic were engaged by Jadestone Energy Australia to provide wall thickness scanning for use in the Montara Subsea Field. Read on.
Civa Modelling of Turbine Inspection Steam turbine equipment requires periodic inspection; usually this involves removal of the blades which can be costly and time consuming. Find out more.
PILBARA PORT CORROSION MAPPING Sonomatic and Vertech used Non-Destructive Testing methods (NDT) to screen 300 steel jetty piles from the stock head to the water level (approximately 6m per pile) using the LYFT Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) method to determine the extent of external corrosion.
Wall Thickness Reduction Review & FFS Assessment Sonomatic was asked to perform an independent review of inspection data, as well as a fitness-for-service (FFS) assessment. Read on to learn more.
Mag-St Screening Inspection of Deep Water Unpiggable Gas Pipelines A client needed many subsea pipelines inspected. The inspection to validate condition was to be performed using externally applied tools. Read on.
HTHA Survey on Ammonia Plant Sonomatic was approached to conduct an extensive HTHA survey on a client’s Ammonia plant. Read on to learn more about this project.
Pressure Vessel FFS Assessment Using Advanced Data Analysis Sonomatic & Becht Engineering provided Fitness-For-Service assessments on pressure vessels which were undergoing twice daily cycles of high pressure loading.
Large NII Planning and Screening Campaign Sonomatic performed a review of 190 pressure vessels across various assets for a major North Sea operator. Read on to learn more.
Data Mining A major operator contacted us to assist in extracting more value from their data, utilising our advanced software capabilities for extracting information.
Advanced Signal Processing We performed a subsea inspection where laminations were discovered in the material with some of these very close to the indications identified as wall loss.
Subsea Export Riser Inspection using DRS™ An external inspection of a subsea riser was required to verify indications identified by in-line inspection. Read on to learn more about this case study.
DRS™ Inspection validation on a 30″ pipe with composite repair The aim of the validation was to determine the capabilities of DRS™ in penetrating the repair and measuring the thickness of the underlying steel by comparison with UT corrosion mapping data collected prior to the application of the repair.
Water Pipework System Data Review and Analysis Sonomatic were approached to perform a data review, and analyse historic data across several circuits of a produced water pipework system. Read on.
Inspection of Ballast Tank Plates and Welds Using SIMS Sonomatic were engaged to work on a Spar platform in the Gulf of Mexico to inspect the bottom of the ballast tank. Read on to learn more.
INSPECTION AND INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT ON UNPIGGABLE DRY GAS PIPELINE SUBSEA A client operated a number of subsea pipelines in dry gas service. These lines were not designed for in-line inspection but had been in service for some time and a validation of their condition was necessary. The inspection to validate condition was, therefore, to be performed using externally applied tools.
ADDED VALUE FROM REPEAT INSPECTIONS Every year Sonomatic not only carries out numerous repeat inspections for their clients globally, but also, by the means of specialist statistical analysis, helps to determine the fitness of an installation, essential to planning its future maintenance.
NII PLANNING IMPROVES SHUTDOWN EFFICIENCY Sonomatic were approached by a client to perform Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) planning on 53 vessels, as NII offers the potential to remove vessels from shutdowns and inspection may be completed whilst online. This can reduce shutdown times and increase production revenue.
CORROSION MAPPING ON CAISSONS TO DETECT AND QUANTIFY WALL THINNING Sonomatic were approached in order to provide an automated solution for the inspection of caissons. This was to prevent any potential health, safety and environmental consequences that can arise by using divers.
Merlin Connectors A client required an ROV deployed inspections of critical zones on Merlin connectors for possible fatigue cracking. Read on to learn more.
Access Window Weld Inspection A client has a jacket structure that when manufactured, had access window cut into the jacket to allow internal backfill welding to be conducted. Read on.
Inspection and Integrity Assessment on Unpiggable Dry Gas Pipeline Subsea A client needed some subsea pipelines inspected. The lines were not designed for in-line inspection but had been in service for some time. Read on.
RISK BASED ASSESSMENT ON PRESSURE VESSELS Sonomatic undertook risk-based assessment of 70 process pressure vessels located on a client’s North Sea offshore installations.
PRESSURE VESSEL DATA REVIEW AND COMPARISON USING SIMS COMPARE Sonomatic were asked to review and compare data captured on a pressure vessel during two different inspection campaigns.
Raptor II Caisson Inspection The Sonomatic Raptor II subsea scanner was developed to support Shell in 2017 with their subsea inspection campaigns. Read on to learn more.
CRA Flange Welds A client required an ROV deployed inspection of 10” pipe to flange CRA (corrosion resistant alloy) welds for possible corrosion and cracking from the bore.
Parallax Correction 3D Inspection Sonomatic was contracted to carry out an inspection on highly curved surfaces with challenging access, requiring highly accurate 3D positioning. Read on.
Targeted Inspection of CRA Welds on Water Injection Flanged Flowlines Sonomatic was asked to inspect 10” and 12” CRA welds/HAZ and the parent material on either side for possible corrosion. Read on to learn more.
PIPEWORK DATA REVIEW ACROSS SEVERAL ASSETS Sonomatic has worked with a major North Sea operator to perform a review of all pipework data across several assets.
Targeted Inspection of Jacket Structural Closure Welds and Access Window Welds A client has a relatively low redundancy structure with many fatigue-sensitive Access Window and Closure Welds that require monitoring. Read on.
Application of NII at a Gas Plant Sonomatic performed NII assesssments and integrity staff visited the site along with their technicians to collaborate on the work scope development. Read on.
Deep Water ROV Inspection on Pipeline with Internal Degradation An assessment of a deepwater pipeline identified a reasonably high likelihood of internal degradation. Learn more about this case study by reading on.
Civa Modelling of the Inspection of a Nozzle to Domed End Weld An inspection was required on a production separator to give confidence that no flaws were present within a nozzle weld following a dynamic loading event.
Corrosion Mapping of Externally Corroded AST Walls Sonomatic were asked to inspect and evaluate coincident internal and external corrosion through ILI verification activity of pipelines. Read on.